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Boy in bowtie with a poster and a stuffed penguin presents on penguins
five girls sitting in a row with arms around each other smiling
students look over a project and point to different parts on a model car
a male and female young students work on a skills paper with dot paint
four prek students have silly faces while they play with dinosaurs and sand
Our Mountie mascot hugs two female students
a student drops a glass from above while students look on in forensics class
middle schoolers work on an experiment with smoke and beakers
four young students play with sand, UPK registration now open

Together We Are #OneSuffern


Our diverse group of students, staff, and community members contribute to this District in many ways. 

Superintendent and student pose for One Suffern

Empowering All Learners

Our K-12 school district offers innovative, collaborative, and challenging learning experiences to support the needs of all our students. 

two female students sit at a desk discussing math problems

Our Values

Educating for Personal Excellence

Our mission is to educate students in the critical skills and essential knowledge necessary to be informed, responsible, and active citizens prepared to take the next steps in their education, careers, and lives in our diverse society. 

Find Out More

three students in their caps and gowns at graduation

Upcoming Events

News & Announcements

Student writing down ideas on white board

One of the most iconic—and mysterious—characters in American literature is undoubtedly Jay Gatsby, the titular character in F. Scott Fitzgerald's 1925 novel, "The Great Gatsby." Students in Mrs. Amodeo's 11th grade honors English class are currently reading the novel, and though they're only on chapter 4, Amodeo challenged them with predicting what will happen next.

Read More about Honors English Students Dissect Literary Classic "The Great Gatsby"

By The Numbers


Graduation Rate

a girl wearing ohio state tshirt, a boy wearing penn state tshirt and another girl wearing a drew university shirt



elementary student smiles as she shows off her project
young girl with headphones


Students K-12

young woman graduate

