Student Devices
Student Accountability Letter
August 30, 2024
Dear Parents/Caregivers,
Over the last two years, we have seen high levels of damage to district-issued technology, mostly with the Chromebooks. While many students treat their devices with care and some of the damage is accidental, district-wide, a significant number of incidents have been due to either a lack of care or intentional damage.
To address this, we are implementing a system to help students take responsibility for their district-issued devices, with a level of accountability for those who are not properly caring for them.
Below is a complete explanation of how the district will handle damages going forward.
Our one-to-one (1:1) device program provides all Suffern Central School District students a district issued device for their education. Whether a student continues with their education or enters the workforce after graduation, we provide these devices to help our students be prepared for life beyond Suffern Central.
Students in grades K-2 are issued an iPad, where students in grades 3-12 are issued a Chromebook. All devices are configured with the applications needed to complete our curriculum and protected by systems that follow all applicable Data Privacy laws and guidelines.
While the district issued devices are provided free of charge for enrolled students, just like with other district property, there is an expectation the devices will be treated with care. To keep our 1:1 program sustainable, we have established the below system to help students take responsibility for their district issued devices, with a level of accountability for those who are not properly caring for them.
Proper Care
We teach students the need to properly care for district issued devices. In addition, we ask parents/caregivers to speak with their child about appropriate care of district issued devices. Some suggestions include:
Do not pick at or pull off the keys on the keyboard.
Make sure there is nothing on the keyboard (earbuds, pen/pencil, etc.) when gently closing the lid.
Never leave the device on a chair or the floor, where someone may sit or step on the device.
Transport the device in your backpack and leave it there when at lunch, on the playground, or on the bus.
Remember - the Chromebook/iPad is district property. Just as with a library book or team uniform, there is a cost for damaged or lost district property.
Accidental Damage
These are incidents where either the situation could not be avoided, or a simple mistake was made. Accidents will be handled as follows:
First accident: No charge (most students fall into this category, having one or no accidents)
Second and third accident: $50 per accident
Four or more: $150 per accident
After each accident, a letter will go home from the school Principal, notifying a parent/caregiver that there was an accident with the machine. The letter will indicate which accident this is (first, second, etc.) and will include an invoice with the charge (if applicable) with a description of the damage.
Intentional Damage or Lost Device
These are incidents where a student shows a lack of care or respect for the device, or loses the device completely. Examples include, but are not limited to, leaving the device where it may be sat or stepped on, slamming the lid closed, physical damage that would have been prevented if the protective case was not taken off, witness to the device being thrown or used inappropriately. These incidents include if one student damages another student’s device.
Each incident of careless, or intentional damage, or loss of the device, will result in a $150 charge. As with accidental damage, a letter will go home following each incident.
Lost Accessories
Accessories include the protective case, the charger, and the active pen used to write with on the device. In the case of lost or damaged accessories, we will suggest the family replaces the accessory on their own as some have found they can source accessories faster and less expensive.
If a family chooses to have the district provide the replacement, there will be a $25 charge per damaged/lost accessory.