District News
Suffern Central Universal Pre-Kindergarten Registration is Live!
- District
Our two-way dual language Immersion program is expanding for the 2025-26 school year! The program is open to incoming kindergarten and first-grade students at our current location, Sloatsburg Elementary School, and we hope to also expand two-way dual language classes at RP Connor Elementary School next year.
- District
The hallways of Suffern Middle School have gotten a bit of a makeover recently in the form of brightly colored street signs and flags lining the walls. Intersecting hallways have been renamed Mission Street, Proactive Pkwy or Win Win Way, a nod to the Leader In Me's "7 Habits,” which are woven throughout the curriculum. "We use this language in our Leader in Me lessons and it's a nice reminder for the students to see it every day as they walk to class," says Assistant Principal Jennie Narcisco.
The first Wednesday in February is designated as the Global School Play Day, a day dedicated to the power of unstructured playtime in education. As you can see from the photos, our elementary schools clearly understood the assignment!
Second graders in Ms. Bean's literacy enrichment class are hard at work on their presentations for next week's Curriculum Night at RP Connor. The topic: famous scientists! Each student chose a scientist—everyone from Marie Curie to Mike Brown to Jane Goodall to Jill Tarten—and then did a deep dive into their contributions to the world, organizing their findings in a Google Slides presentation.
The first Wednesday in February is designated as the Global School Play Day, a day dedicated to the power of unstructured playtime in education. As you can see from the photos, our elementary schools clearly understood the assignment!
“This is one of my favorite days of the year,” Mr. McCarter told students as he welcomed eighth grade musicians to the high school for their annual practice session with the SHS orchestra and band.
“This is one of my favorite days of the year,” Mr. McCarter told students as he welcomed eighth grade musicians to the high school for their annual practice session with the SHS orchestra and band.
Do you know how to write your name using hieroglyphics, the ancient Egyptian writing system? First graders at Sloatsburg Elementary do, as part of their unit on Early World Civilizations. All month they've been learning about ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia and to complement their lessons, today they practiced penning their names using the character driven system (if you have more than one letter "A" in your name, it was definitely a challenge!)
To kick off Lunar New Year, (2025 is the Year of the Snake), RP Connor once again welcomed the Fire Mountain School, a martial arts studio in Northvale, NJ, who brought their "lions" by for a parade for our students. In between hugs and high fives with the lions, students also participated in a Lunar New Year tradition by "feeding" them hóngbāo, bright red envelopes that symbolize good luck!