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All District Faculty & Staff

< 1 2 3 4 26 > showing 25 - 48 of 611 constituents

Samantha Baluyot

Teacher Aide
Montebello Elementary

Juan Barbas

Suffern Middle School

Sean Barnes

RP Connor Elementary

Christie Barricella

Suffern High School

Benjamin Battles

Suffern High School

Dawn Bean

RP Connor Elementary

Ryan Beaudoin

Suffern High School

Thomas Behrens

RP Connor Elementary

Kelly Benadi

RP Connor Elementary

Melani Bendfeldt

Montebello Elementary

Christina Bennin

Employee Benefits Clerk
Hillburn Central Office

Tracy Berges

Department Chair, Teacher, Advisor for the National Art Honor Society
Suffern High School

Classes taught: 
AP Art and Design 11 and 12
College Drawing and Painting
Portfolio Preparation
Drawing and Painting / Spanish Version
Introduction to Art / Spanish Version

Mrs. Berges has been teaching high school art at SHS, which is also her alma mater, for 21 years. She is a graduate of Binghamton University (BA), Hofstra University (MS-Ed) and Massachusetts College of Liberal Arts (Building Administrator). Prior to teaching, Mrs. Berges was an art therapist for eight years, working with children and adolescents living with cancer and blood disorders. Mrs. Berges is a National Art Education Fund Grant Recipient (2015) and she piloted the Model Cornerstone Assessment (2016) through the National Art Education Association (NAEA). She was honored to be the winner of the Excellence in Teaching Award (2021) at Suffern Central, which is derived from student nominations and awarded by the Suffern Rotary. Mrs. Berges recently joined the NYS Art Teacher's Association (NYSATA) Board of Trustees as a Youth Art Month Co-Chair, and together with her co-chairs was awarded the Claire Flanagan Grand Award (2022) from the Council for Art Education. She has presented workshops at NYSATA and NAEA conferences, adjudicated for the NYSATA Portfolio Project, and wrote for the NYSATA news. Mrs. Berges is the 2023 NYSATA Region 7 Art Teacher of the Year. Mrs. Berges is a wife and mother of three young adults. When not teaching or parenting, she paints murals for residential and commercial clients and spends time at the beach.

Renata Bermudez-Velasquez

Suffern Middle School

Junior Berridge

Coordinator of School Transportation I
Hillburn Central Office

Jennifer Bialosuknia

Suffern Middle School

Anthony Bianchi

Suffern Middle School

Matthew Biggar

Suffern High School

Ann Biondi

RP Connor Elementary

Isabella Birkett-Green

Teaching Assistant
Montebello Elementary

Gabrielle Blake

Suffern Middle School

Jesse Blasbalg

Suffern Middle School

Rebecca Blide

Suffern High School

Sandra Block

Occupational Therapist
Suffern High School
< 1 2 3 4 26 > showing 25 - 48 of 611 constituents